When the person is willing to give their platelets to any other person voluntarily the platelets donation occurs and after the fractionation will take place before transfusions. platelets banks are acting in all the cities to do the process of collection of platelets and give to the needy persons. There are some how often you can donate platelets for the person who gives the platelets and also the person who receives it. There is no specific reason to donate your platelets , you can have your own wish to donate platelets . This develops the altruistic personality of the platelets donor which means the unselfish regard and voluntarism in devoting their platelets to others. If you are a frequent platelets donor you can donate your platelets once in 90 days and this is similar to a mini physical examination. There is one statistics about the platelets reception that says that most people need platelets once in their lifetime and chances are 25%. Men who donate their platelets are less in danger of heart and stroke diseases. 

platelets donation reduces the iron level of your body which protects you from heart diseases because of the replacement of old cells with new ones. Men don’t have a chance to give out the iron in their body because they don’t have any menstrual periods, so platelets donation will do that and save them from radical injury. The platelets are checked for the viruses such as malaria, VDRL, HCV, HBS, and HIV, so there is no chance for the receivers to get affected from this type of virus because of platelets donation. It is also a way to keep your body fit because when you give one unit of platelets 650 calories of energy will burn. platelets donation also reduces cholesterol, there is less chance for the donors to get coronary heart diseases. 

Before getting the platelets the doctors will ask your medical history and the physical examination you underwent to get the view about you. The cholesterol oxidation because of the increase in platelets iron level leads to heart diseases. One third of the platelets donors are less affected by heart diseases because of the elimination of iron level from their body due to platelets donation. The in-platelets  cells will decrease when you donate the platelets so in order to replenish it, the new cells will be produced. Because of the platelets donors, the platelets bank is helping many people who are undergoing medical complexities and surgeries which are the main ways you can donate platelets. The amount of platelets collected in the platelets bank is calculated manually or with the help of automated equipment which takes only the specified portions of your platelets .  4.5 million are about to die in America each year without the supply of platelets at the needed time. The platelets collected from the donors are kept separately in the platelets bank and the time is noted in that because they have to supply the platelets within a specific amount of time. 

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