Donating platelets is a noble deed, especially when you do it without anyone asking you to do so. This simple deed not only saves lives but it can be something that you can live with as a good memory for the rest of your life. However, before you can complete such a good deed, you need to go through a series of standard procedures. platelets donation is an intricate process. There are a series of tests that have to be done before you can move on with donating platelets .

Before you start giving platelets you need to understand its importance to the body and its different groups. platelets is a red liquid in our body and it is the very thing that keeps us going. Humans have an average of five to six liters of it in the body. There are different groups of platelets and humans fall in any of these groups. When donating platelets , confirming your platelet type is essential. Your platelets type can either be A negative or A positive, B negative or B positive, O negative or O positive, AB positive or AB negative.

If you are donating platelets you will also be classified into any of the three categories. The first classification is the professional donor. This is someone who sells platelets however, quality is not guaranteed and dangerous diseases can be possibly passed on to the recipient. This is why these donors are not actually preferred. The next classification is replacement donation. This is when donating platelets is done by healthy friends and relatives of the patient.

Voluntary donation is another category of platelets donors. The donor voluntarily gives platelets to any recipient. The platelets can be used or given to any patient without revealing the donor’s identity. By far, this is the best kind of platelets donation because selfless service is demonstrated.
platelets donation side effects are normal. How often can you donate platelets? After donating platelets , it is ideal for the donor to minimize activities. Healthy and well screened donors are allowed to donate at least one pint or one unit of platelets volume. You do not have to worry if you donate this amount because it can be easily replenished by your body in just one day and in a couple of weeks the bone marrow will be able to replace platelets cells that were lost during the transfusion.

The most common platelets donation side effects include lightheadedness or dizziness immediately after platelets . These side effects shortly subside and are usually common among teen or young adults. Some donors report symptoms such as falling, fainting, stress, joint stiffness, convulsions, nausea, and tingling sensation in nose or lips. If you have donated platelets and these symptoms persist, you need to go to the physician immediately.

There are various platelets donation side effects for the different types of platelets donation. Generally, these types are considered as ABC or Automated platelets Collection processes. The first type is aphaeresis. This is a process wherein only the platelets are the ones separated and the rest of the platelets is returned to the donor. This procedure can last for one to two hours. Since only platelets are taken from the body, only a few platelets donation side effects] are usually experienced by the donor.

Alyx platelets Donation is another type of donation process. This procedure separates red platelets cells and brings back the rest of the fluid to the donor. Just like aphaeresis, it also shows minimal side effects such as slight nausea. Plasmapheresis is another type of platelets donation. This time plasma is separated from the platelets and the rest are transfused back to the donor. platelets donation side effects of this process are similar to whole platelets donation.

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