The platelets donation each time you do will save three human lives and it will be beneficial for the person who is donating and for the one who is receiving. If you are a regular platelets donor you will feel wonderful in being a helpful resource to the doctors who save human lives which is the main way you can donate platelets. The platelets you donate will be divided into different components before it transfusion based on the patient’s need. Each platelets component is used by different recipients so there are no other substitutes for the human platelets in compromising the components. You can check your body health for free when you donate platelets because there are some health checkups related to platelets donation. Health checkups will be beneficial for you to check your own health for free but they do cost more when you go to the hospital to do them. If your platelets are not satisfying the health checkups you will be informed by the doctor. So by donating platelets frequently you can check your health with the doctor which will help you to be healthy all the time. 

If you dumb high level of iron inside your body you will be at risk of getting cancer. It is proved theoretically that donating platelets frequently will reduce the chance of getting affected by cancers. The main reason is how often you can donate platelets. It will not affect your body health and it is no way harmful to your body parts. Because if you are eligible to donate platelets and the medical checkups satisfy the doctor then only your platelets will be taken. At the time of disaster and fire accidents there occurs a vast shortage of platelets so in that time people will be getting information about the needed platelets . platelets centres in the United States have difficulty in possessing the platelets during the disasters so they conducted a three day platelets donation camp to overcome that problem. If the equipment used in the platelets donation camps are not sterilized, there is more risk to the platelets donors because most of the equipment comes in contact with the patient directly. There are various platelets donation methods available and they are plateletpheresis, plasmapheresis, erythrocytapheresis, and apheresis. 

Apheresis is a method in which the platelets will be passed through equipment to separate the particular constituent and filter the remaining platelets . Usually red platelets cells will be separated but in rare cases white platelets cells will be separated. This method of platelet donation will get the plasma or platelets from the patient’s platelets and it is considered as the safe way of donating the whole platelets . If the hospitals need platelets for any patient they will get platelets from various persons and pool the amount of platelets. After the donation of platelets the donors will be given with some refreshments and asked to stay in the hospital for 10-15 minutes. If any adverse reaction occurs during or after the donation of platelets they will be admitted to the hospital. 

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