One of the noblest tasks that a person can do is donate their platelets regularly. While this is a simple thing by itself, people must know several factors before they can get to donate their platelets . This can include their platelets group, their immunity levels, and also the duration between two platelets donations. This not only helps them gain the much needed platelets for themselves to keep them fresh and active, but also helps in creating enough platelets for them to donate to others. Hence, people must know how often can donate platelets before they get to offer the noble deed to save a person’s life. 

Several types of donations that can take its own time

There are several types of platelets donations that a person can offer, where each kind of such noble act can take its own time on a person to make them suitable for the next donation. Some of the different types of donations can include whole platelets donation, double red cell donation, platelet aphaeresis donation, and even for people who donate for themselves. People should know how often they can donate platelets before they donate them to the required person. The whole platelets donation is the simplest method, which can be done by a person. The duration between two whole donations can be up to 2 months of gap, after which they can get to donate their platelets the next time. The double red cell donation is just double that of normal donation and can be done only after a 4 month gap is provided between each donation. On the other hand, people who donate their platelets alone can give once every week, with a maximum restriction of 24 times in a particular year. People donating their platelets for themselves, who are also known as autologous donors, can donate as per the doctor’s advice. These donations are done based on the type of platelets group, where it can be very difficult for their platelets group in their region. Thus, they can donate it for their own selves which can protect them during certain emergency situations, where they would not have to depend on others to save their lives. 

Factors influencing the platelets donation duration

There are several factors which can determine the duration of the platelets donation in a person. The first and foremost factor is the health of a person. People who are weak by themselves should not donate their platelets , until they are strong enough to donate the platelets . Another factor is the age of the person. While youngsters can get their donated platelets back in a very short time, it can take a lot of time for the older people to get rejuvenated from their platelets donation. It is for this purpose that people beyond a certain age group must not donate their platelets , even if they are healthy enough to do so. People who are also affected by any sort of transmission disease, which can even be a simple cough, would have to wait till they are completely cured again, before they can donate their platelets .

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