Human body is made of different organs, bones, muscles and skin, these organs need platelets to perform all its functionality the platelets act as a transporting medium in between the organs in the body. The platelets are pumped by the heart in every pump it releases more than ten litres of platelets throughout the body, the heart has a capacity to purify the platelets every second and passes oxygenated platelets to the body. When a heart stops for a second then the platelets cannot be passed anywhere inside the body so we may get cardiac arrest and die, thus people should care for their heart for healthy living. The platelets are made up of water, plasma bodies, white platelets corpuscles and red platelets corpuscles; the reason why the color of the platelets is red is the platelets has more red platelets cells in it which changes the color of the platelets from white to red. The platelets have a certain composition which denotes the percentage of WBC and RBC and pallets, when a person’s pallet count in the platelets gets reduced then he will be donated with the platelets to increase his platelets level in the body. People who have met with road accidents may lose more than a liter of platelets ; at that time the doctors will inject platelets into his body to make him survive. Every person has a different platelet group. They are O +ve, -ve, B, AB, A and etc. the person who has a matching platelet group of the victim can donate their platelets . The people who have O positive platelets can donate all their victims who are in need of platelets because they are universal donors, the answer for how ten can donate platelets We can donate platelets with the interval of fifty six days of time.
How to increase the platelet count in the body?
The platelets count can be increased by eating nutritious food which is rich in iron, vitamins and minerals. The fruits such as pomegranate, apple, dates and oranges can increase the platelets count and also help in purifying the platelets present in our body. 76% of platelets is made up of water so we should consume more water daily to increase the platelets level in the body. People who are anemic or lack platelets should consult the doctor early and start taking medications to prevent the loss of platelets .
How often can you donate platelets to others?
The answer for this is how ten can donate platelets? If a healthy man can donate platelets within the interval of 56 days of time, if we donate platelets and want to donate the pallets then he should wait for about seventy six hours for the next donation. After donating pallets we should wait for 112 days for the next platelets donation because during this interval we can increase our platelets and palette count to the maximum and can provide more platelets to the people. Before donating platelets we should check our body conditions with the physician and then go for it.