Donating your platelets is one of the wonderful ways to serve your community as a volunteer and the platelets you donate can be definitely used to save lives in different ways. Platelets are actually required for the people who are affected by leukaemia and other forms of cancer and so platelets donation is very essential for them. For this purpose, the platelets donation process takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes and 1 pint of the platelets could be taken per the donation. In addition to that, the platelets you donate are not only used for the cancer patients, but also for the people who urgently need the platelets for saving their life. In this article, you can see how often you can donate platelets and what are the things you should have in mind while donating the platelets .

Generally, if you want to donate platelets, then you should be thoroughly checked before the donation process. In that manner, here are a few things available for you to know about the platelets donation process. First and foremost thing in platelets donation is checking the age of the platelets donor. In this way, the platelet donor who wishes to donate his platelets should be at least 17 years old and weigh over 110 pounds. If you are matched in this consideration, then you are eligible to donate your platelets. So, you can go to the local platelets bank or any hospital to donate your platelets. In addition to that, the people who donate the platelets should be healthy and they should not be affected by some of the diseases like Aids, cancer, heart problems and others. Moreover, you can also be checked for whether you have the infecting disease and these tests can be conducted by the doctors of the platelets banks or in the hospitals.

In addition to that, if you drink the alcohol at the time of donating the platelets, then you are not allowed to participate in the donation process. The reason is the alcohol intake may lead to the vulnerable disease to the people who are receiving the platelets. Then, fasting is not allowed when donating platelets for the platelets donor. For that purpose, the person who gives the platelets should drink at least 16 ounces of water before the donation process. In addition to that, the type of the platelets is also one of the important factors in the donating process. In that manner, you can donate platelets for the people who need your platelets type and you can donate 10 pints of platelets at a time. Donating platelets can really save the lives of the people and some of the medical research says that one platelets donation can be used to help up to three people in need at the hospitals in your city. Thus you can see how often you can donate platelets  in a healthy way and what are the considerations you need to know in the platelets donation process.

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