Every two minutes, someone in the world needs the platelets and over 40000 platelets donations are required every day for the hospitals to care for the patients. One of the best approaches to educate the country about the needs of the nation is the platelets donation, instead of just the hospital and the patient. In this manner, the platelets donation is one of the wonderful services that can be provided by every individual for saving the life of the people. Donating the platelets not only gives the benefits for the receiver, but also offers many benefits for the donor also. In this way, if you donate the platelets , the new platelets could be produced in your body and this can give you more shine to your body. So, in this article, you can now know about how often you can donate platelets and what are the tips for donating the platelets effectively.
For donating the platelets , you should be checked under some considerations like you should complete at least 17 e\years old and your weight should be at least 50 kilograms. This is the first thing that could be tested for the platelets donation process. Basically, there are four main red platelets cell types available and they are A, B, O and AB. Each of these platelets types can be positive or negative for the Rh factor. One thing should be known that the type of the AB is the universal recipient, which means the people who are having the AB platelets group can receive any other group of the platelets without restriction. In the same way, the people who are having the O negative platelets group are the universal donor that means he can give their platelets to the people who can have any type of the platelets in nature.
In addition to that, a single unit of the platelets can be divided into several components such as red platelets cells, platelets, plasma and the cryoprecipitate. In this separation, the red platelets cells can carry the oxygen to the organ and tissues in the body. Moreover, the red platelets cells can live up to 120 days in the circulatory system. The plasma is the kind of the pale yellow mixture of water, salts and proteins and it has 90 per cent of water to make 55 per cent in the volume of the platelets . Then, the platelets can decrease the chance of the platelets clotting and give the cancer for the cancer patients to live. The platelets donation process can take nearly one hour or 45 minutes and the actual donation of a pint of whole platelets unit takes only 10 minutes. But, the duration of the platelets donation can be varied for each person. Now, there are many platelets drives hosted by many companies, schools, colleges and many other civic organizations to raise awareness about platelets donation to the common people. In this manner, you can surely learn about how often you can donate platelets for other people in a healthy manner.