A platelets donation is a process that donates platelets to others who can have the same platelets group or same donor. Usually the platelets are stored in the platelets banks with various platelets groups and donated to others who need platelets at critical situations. Most of the hospitals have their own platelets banks or tie up with any other donor agencies for donated platelets . For platelets donation totally it takes one hour to complete that could be processed after a certain medical check up and health test. During this test the medical professional checks whether you are fit to donate platelets or not.

Initially the person needs to fill up the form with specific medical details and some other essential personal information before donation. After that the health care expert will conduct a short interview about your medical history as well as your health. It is a private and confidential conversation in which the person needs to submit any of your valid identity cards prior to the platelets donation. After completion of all the formalities you have to follow the platelets donation procedure and check your body temperature to be normal. If you are satisfied with all the undertaken tests then you are well enough to donate platelets .

Measurements of whole platelets donation

The important measurement to be taken before platelets donation is to ensure your body health and proper state to donate. How often can you donate platelets You may donate your whole platelets every 56 days because it takes much time to replenish your red cells. After the full check up and tests you are proceeding to donate platelets so you should lie down on bed and your arms will be cleaned with liquid. For collecting platelets the sterilized needle will be injected into your arm and following a donation. Due to sudden loss of platelets in your body the person gets tired and needs some refreshments after the donation. 

After the donation they need to relax for a few minutes and be able to continue their routine work as usual. The human body needs 3 months of time to regain the donating platelets and be able to donate platelets again. The most important thing is that the person should not feel weakness during this period. The person who has a capability to donate, healthy and regenerate the platelets easily is able to donate platelets in an effective way. The platelets donation is mostly needed for young children who can suffer from critical diseases, cancer patients and accidental cases.

Advantages of platelets donate

The advantages of platelets donation process are to maintain the human’s body health with more refreshment and free from diseases. This process helps to reduce the chance of heart diseases as well as increase the level of iron content in the body. During this process the people can re-energized them by donating platelets on a regular basis. Therefore it is a valuable contribution of human’s life that helps to save others’ lives as well. Let you live a healthier life and help others to live by helping hand.

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